He was the only son in a family of three. This page was last edited on 12 May , at His father was a poet, from whom he got his musical talent. Retrieved 20 June Retrieved from " https: Sri Lankan male singers Living people births 20th-century Sri Lankan singers 21st-century singers People from North Western Province, Sri Lanka Sinhalese singers 20th-century male singers 21st-century male singers. priya sooriyasena ratakin eha igili

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Suriyasena won several prizes as a student after participating in musical programmes, such as UNESCO talent competition in which he won the first prize.

Priya Sooriyasena

Suriyasena started his career in as a music teacher for Kelaniya Gurukula College whilst also as an on stage singer at the same time. Further he sang in many other films like 'Selinage Walawwa', 'Mudukkuwe Juliet', 'Hariyanakota ohama thamai', and 'Pina paduna da'. R Jothipala and Champa Kalhari. Priyadharsha Suriyasena Liyanage was born to the parents of an up-country middle-class family, in Nattandiya, Puttalam district, Sri Lanka.

Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. However, later Suriyasena gave up singing as a play back singer focusing only on stage.

ratakin eha igili - Lyrics and Music by Priya Sooriyasena arranged by 01_Zelsha_08 | Smule

He was also a play back singer in many films which were Mal kekulu in earlier s, song 'Bindu bindu kandulu sala' duet with Shayami Fonseka and music directed by Sarath Dassanayake and produced by Sena Samarasinghe.

This article needs additional citations for verification. His father was M. Retrieved from " https: Suriyasena directed music for songs such as 'Adaraniya Neranjana', 'Heta datakin, 'Mata wasana', 'Sanda ma gawai', 'Mage samarum pothe', 'Ekama vidiye', 'Mohathaka suwa dena' and 'Gelawata banda wu muthu pote' neckless tied to the neck. In with the album "Sunflowers with Priya", he brought a new musical generation to the country grossing revenue over Rs.

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priya sooriyasena ratakin eha igili

By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. In the film Suhada Sohoyuro he played a minor role.

This page was last edited on 12 Mayat Retrieved 20 June He is a father of four children. His maiden foreign tour was to Singapore in His hit song "Etha ranviman" became the most popular song indeveloping controversies between Suriyasena and Sirasa Super Stars. Suriyasena released one of the first music audio cassettes in Sri Lanka under the guidance of Wijewardene under the Tharanga label. Sri Lankan male singers Living people births 20th-century Sri Lankan singers 21st-century singers People from North Western Province, Sri Lanka Sinhalese singers 20th-century male singers 21st-century male singers.

priya sooriyasena ratakin eha igili

He was the only son in a family of three. His father was a poet, from whom he got his musical talent.

Ratakin Eha Igili Lyrics

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Priya suriyasena has composed famous Christian baila music hit dedicated to St Anthony santha Anthony munituma sung by Anton Jones.

priya sooriyasena ratakin eha igili

Some of the veteran vocalists who had their music directed by Suriyasena were M. After the release of his first four songs Suriyasena became a heartthrob of youngsters in the s.

The release of "Sudu Parevi Rena" hit song brought Suriyasena up to one of the top singers in the s bringing a controversy at the time where the Sri Lankan government prohibited broadcasting the song through radio channels for a period of time. After about 10 years of service Suriyasena left his teaching career giving priority to his music career. He completed a tour in on many cities including Los Angeles and Melbourne which has a significant Sri Lankan communities.

Views Read Edit View history. In he married Thamara Kumari Weerasinghe who was also a music teacher. Afterward he embarked his career as a music teacher and recorded some of his eba songs which were aired in SLBC in
