UAP is subject to user and login string license limits. Usage syntax is explained in the header of the file. Using more than one criteria will filter results by a combination of all criteria. You can test this using the following link: These recordings may be of different type, such as audio, screen or messages SMS. Make sure port is not blocked by a firewall or other such program. orkaudio

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Scorecards are often first written in spreadsheet files. A range of CTI connectors: The Oreka user interface OrkWeb is web-based and provides a rich feature set such as call live monitoring, recordings playback, extensive search and query capabilities, audit trail, reporting, tagging, media manager, and many others. If you had set one, enter it orkaudjo.

Trial versus Production license. The "Stop Auto-Delete" button provides a quick mean for turning orkwudio this feature. If the file is present, try to replay it locally with a media player such as Windows Media Player.

Oreka TR Administrator Manual

Audio is not usually stored in its original wire format. Web based user interface for retrieval. Ensure that the OrkAudio service is running. It is a process that runs on Windows or Linux and records audio packets received on one of the server interfaces.


First, the TapeFileNaming tape processor needs to be added to the list of processors in the top node of the orkaudio config. Selecting Network Device s to intercept traffic from.

Being installed directly on the PBX or media gateway server. Copy the complete URL and orkaurio is directly into a browser's address bar to check if the file can be downloaded manually. Emailing media files immediately after they are written to the associated user.


These may include Tomcat configuration changes, web interface-related tweaks, etc. Scoring calls based on scorecards. This opens the Services Manager application. It is the default storage codec for Oreka wrapped into a wav file. The string fields must be surrounded by double-quotes, e.

This format is also used by some open source tools such as rfbproxy and tightvnc. In Linux orkaufio the iptables settings. If all the conditions above are met, you can look into the Tomcat and Orkauddio log files for more information.

Broadworks SSO configuration example. This feature is mainly useful in active recording setups using SIPREC, whereby the decision of what users to record is pre-configured in the telephony platform, hence ensuring that auto-provisioning will only occur for required users. Take a backup copy of the orkaudio directory under Program Files Stop the orkaudio service Uninstall previous version OrkAudio Run the latest orkaudio installer e.

Scheduled time-based triggers may be one-time events or repeatable triggers that restart at a given frequency. If the TapeFileNaming parameter is missing, the default naming scheme applies which is a timestamp plus the internal trackingID.

Oreka: OrkAudio Windows Installer

MySQL, on the other hand, needs to be downloaded and installed separately. Install and start the MySQL service. The keywords Group, Scorcard, Question, Answer are case-insensitive.


For example, if one orkaudip is on port and the second tracker is on port Once reached, no new users are auto-provisioned. Verify that the database indexes were created properly. Create one recordable user per recorded extension Create one non-recordable user per supervisor Create regular group A Create regular group B Add every agent user to either groupA or groupB it is possible to add certain agents to both groups if wanted Add supervisorA to groupA and groupB Add supervisorB to groupB only Add both supervisors to the Supervisors security group.


Passive Recording via port mirroring.
